How To Cast A Baitcaster in 4 Effortless Steps

April 28, 2022
by Dan Skewes

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Casting with a baitcaster is easy if you know what you're doing. In this article, you'll learn about casting techniques and how to make sure you're using the right size rod and line for different situations.

Find out why a baitcaster works better than other types of reels. Then go out and try it yourself!

Don't allow the thought of backlash prevent you from learning how to cast a baitcaster.

Actually, if you want to start casting for bass with larger lines, learning how to cast your baitcasting reel will prove advantageous. 

The ideal baitcasting reels currently available on the market provide higher gear ratios to give you extra speed to grab the line when fishing with crankbaits and spinnerbaits. 

Batercasting reels are much better at handling heavier lines. 

A good rule to follow is to use baitcaster fishing rods and reels when using a line that is heavier than 10 lbs.

If fishing in heavily covered waterways learning how to fish with a baitcast setup will ensure you have the required power when pulling fish out of thick, heavily dense areas. Continue reading to learn how to cast a baitcaster in a few simple steps.

Step 1 (Spool)

Baitcasters require proper spooling. A baitcaster uses a spool instead of a reel. You need to learn how to spool a baitcaster correctly.

To begin, you should start by learning how to spool a mono-baitcaster. Then you can move on to a fluorocarbon baitcaster. Finally, you can use a braided line. 

To do this, wrap a piece of athletic tape around the spool. This will help prevent the line from slipping off the spool.

  1. Thread the line through the guides on the rod, then wrap the line around the spools of the reel. 
  2. Tie an Albright knot. 
  3. Pull on the mainline to make sure it tightens down. 
  4. Fasten it towards the tip of the rod, so the line goes off in the same direction as you're pulling on it. Reel in the rope slowly, then stop when you reach about an eighth of an inch away from the top of the reel. This should be enough slack to make sure that the line doesn't get tangled up as you pull it out.

Step 2 (Reel Adjustment)

A reel should be held at an upward 2 o'clock position, and the line should hang down with the lure. You must tighten the spool tension knob while keeping the thumb bar tight. 

Then, slowly loosen the spool tension until the lure falls consistently at about three seconds. This process helps prevent backlash.

Step 3 (Brake System) 

Brakes are used to control speed, but the higher the number, the slower the lure spins. When fishing, you want the spool to stop spinning as soon as possible, so you lower the brakes. 

You also need to adjust the spool tension to match the weight of the lure. While learning how to cast, you should focus on your motion and try to get more power without losing control.

Step 4 (Drag System)

Drag systems manage how much tension is applied while fighting your fish. Tightening the drag prevents the line from slipping off the hook. 

Loosening the drag disperses line to the fish if he runs with your lure. Winding the drag tight keeps your line taut, but loosening it allows more line to slip off the hook.

Gear Ratio 

Gear ratios are important to fishermen because if you use too much drag, your reel won't be able to catch the fish. Too little drag allows the fish to escape.


Casting a baitcaster requires practice, and remember, practice makes perfect. Your line should be about 12 inches from the tip of the rod when you begin casting.

Grip the reel so that your thumbs are on the button and spools, and your fingers wrap over the bottom grip. 

Man casting a baitcaster

Hold your rod, so the spool faces up, and press the button while the tip of your thumb is against the line; bend your arm back and up over your shoulders.

Sweep your rod tip forward to a 5-o clock while holding the spool by your thumb. 

As the tip of your rod sweeps forward, release your thumbs slightly while feathering the lines against your thumb's skin, sweep your rod tip forward again to the 3-o clock.

The spool should be locked into place when you pull in the line. 

Then, you crank the handle backward to release the line and let the spool spin freely again.


Casting techniques work with overhand and sidearm casts, but there are other key casting styles where anglers need to employ a different motion.

A traditional flipping motion doesn't allow the angler to disengage the reel. 

Anglers must maintain a length of extra lines in the off-hand and dip the lure softly into short-range targets. Pitching is another short-range strategy.

An angler uses a thumb bar and makes a rapid wrist motion to keep the lure skimming the water surface before falling silently under a bridge or into the confines of bushes or lay downs. 

Spinning with a baitcaster is an even more challenging task. One false move, such as hitting the water wrong or hitting a dock post, could ruin your day.

Anglers who prefer to use spinning tackle often use a baitcasting setup to get the lure to skim across the surface like a flat stone and then disappear under the canopy.


Learning how to fish with a baitcaster can be very rewarding. A baitcaster combo gives you the ability to make longer casts and cast heavier lures. A properly lined and tuned baitcaster reel coupled with good casting technique brings on positive fishing results! 

As mentioned earlier, backlash is when the reel spool outlines faster than the hook can travel. These tips will help prevent backlash and give you a leg-up. Bass fishing requires a lot of practice.

Cast with a short motion to get tight casts. 

When you cast, you should be using a smooth back-and-forth movement.

You shouldn't force the rod forward. Instead, let the rod do the work. If you're doing this right, the line will naturally load up and allow the lure to go farther than if you were trying to force it.

How To Cast A Baitcaster - Conclusion

Once you've mastered the art of baitcasting you'll understand it's a beneficial skill to add to your angling hobby. 

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